Three Weeks’ Experience: Business and IT Students at Camp

Hard at work despite the heat: 54 students are currently involved in the second summer camp of the Faculty of Economics. For three weeks, 16 teams in 13 companies in Bremen are working on projects that were conceived together with the companies. The results will be presented on August 17.

They produced a clever image film for a company and developed a Facebook campaign to increase the number of applications for open positions – just two of numerous examples of how prospective economists put the knowledge they gained during their studies into practice during a three-week summer camp last year. “We broke new ground in 2017 – with great success. The participants were enthusiastic, which is why it was practically a must for us to do it again,” says Professor Jörg Freiling, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Business Studies and Economics. “With the 2018 summer camp, we would like to give our students the opportunity to again put their mostly theoretically acquired knowledge into practice and to develop or improve their soft skills.” The teams are not only made up of students with a purely commercial background, but also students of cooperative degree courses (Engineering and Management, Information Systems and Management, and Business Psychology) as well as Computer Science.

Interested Companies More than Doubled

Whereas last year six companies and 43 students participated, the number of interested companies has now more than doubled. “Word has gotten around in the Bremen business world that the teams are doing excellent work – and many companies are also taking the opportunity to make contact with talented and committed future graduates,” says Maren Hartstock from the Faculty’s Office of Practice and International Affairs. “After all, three weeks of good work are more convincing than many an interview.”

The second edition of the summer camp differs from the first not only by an increase in the number of projects, but also by the formation of bilingual and international teams. “This is an additional challenge for the companies, but many were open to this experiment,” says Maren Hartstock. “Our students have a lot of digital and intercultural skills. Coupled with the testing of the new form of teamwork for some companies, the summer camp follows paths that are becoming increasingly important in professional life anyway.” The results of the individual projects will be presented by the students and companies at the final presentation on Friday, August 17, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the University of Bremen (Wilhelm-Herbst-Str. 12, WING Building, Room 003).

For Editorial Offices: If you would like to report about the summer camp and the results, you are cordially invited to the final presentation on August 17. As experience has shown that members of the media have only limited time, please contact Ms. Hartstock to arrange an appointment.


Maren Hartstock
Faculty of Business Studies and Economics
University of Bremen
Tel.: +49 421 218-66505
E-mail: mhartstprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de


About the University of Bremen

Top-performing, diverse, reform-minded, and singularly cooperative – that about sums up the University of Bremen. Around 23,000 people learn, teach, research, and work on its international campus. Their shared goal is to contribute to the advancement of society. With well over 100 degree programs, the range of subjects offered by the University is broad. As one of Europe’s leading research universities, it maintains close cooperation with non-university research institutions in the region. This spirit of cooperation led to the founding of the U Bremen Research Alliance in 2016. The University’s competence and dynamism have also attracted numerous companies to settle in the technology park surrounding the campus. This has created an important national location for innovation – with the University of Bremen at its heart.


Junge Leute
With the motto of “learning by doing,” the students work hand in hand with the practitioners
Junge Leute
„Learning by doing“ in the second summer camp of the Faculty of Economics.
Junge Leute
Nach dem Motto „Learning by doing“ sind die Studierenden Hand in Hand mit den Praktikern im Einsatz.