LIFE: Flexible Further Training at the University of Bremen

Further training at the University of Bremen: The application phase for the further training program LIFE is now open until September 15, 2019. Interested persons can learn more about the offer at information evenings on August 21, and September 4, as well as via a webinar on August 27, 2019.

Anyone interested in further training need look no further than the University of Bremen. The flexible further training program LIFE allows modules from bachelor and master degree programs to be used for vocational further training. The participants have the opportunity to learn from renowned university teaching staff together with young students and experience new developments and current research up close. Due to the modular system, LIFE is aimed at a broad target group: professionals, people returning to work, job seekers, people with foreign degrees and everyone who is interested in high-quality further training.

Further Training in Central Scientific Fields

LIFE has offers in the areas of computer science, digital media and digitalization, aerospace technology, energy systems and process engineering and also health and healthcare. “These topics are some of the scientific areas of focus at the University of Bremen”, emphasizes project leader Dr. Petra Boxler from the Academy of Continuing Education. “We are pleased that professionals and companies can now profit from these strengths through individual further training.” Interested parties can continue their education in specific topics by selecting individual modules. Several modules can then comprise a certified qualification. Everyone who completes a module successfully will receive a certificate stating the internationally recognized credit points that can then be carried over to later further training or even a degree.

Information Events and a Webinar

From now on, the LIFE information and application phase for the winter semester 2019/20 is open. Interested persons can gain insight into the structure and contents of the program at two information events on August 21, and September 4. Both events will take place from 5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. at the Academy of Continuing Education (University of Bremen, Zentralbereich, room B0660, Bibliothekstr. 2A, 28359 Bremen). Regardless of location, you can find out more in the virtual seminar room during the webinar, which will take place on August 27, 2019, from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. Personal meetings can be arranged with the LIFE advisory team for detailed and individual consultations.

New Target Groups

LIFE is part of the project “konstruktiv” (constructive), which is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and research. In the frame of this project, the University of Bremen is supporting the opening of higher education institutes for new target groups.

Further information: (in German only)


University of Bremen
Academy of Continuing Education
Svenja Renner
Phone: +49 421 218-61619
Email: lifeprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Frauen lernen
Interested persons can now receive individualized further training with the LIFE program.