Modern New Building for Biology

The Faculty of Biology at the University of Bremen will receive a new modern teaching and research building – the BIOM. The almost 6,000-square-meter building on James-Watt-Strasse is to provide space for around 1,000 students and around 100 employees. Construction starts on May 06, 2019.

The BIOM comprises office, laboratory, and seminar rooms for teaching and research as well as so-called service areas, some of which will be able to be flexibly used. According to the design of the architect office Kister Scheithauer Gross (ksg) from Cologne and Leipzig, a concise front building with bright-red-and-beige bricks is going to be erected. The investment volume of the construction project of around 45 million euros is borne by the Senator for Science, Health and Consumer Protection, Professor Eva Quante-Brandt. It should be completed by the winter semester 2021/2022 at the latest.

Important Step for Campus Development

“With this new 5,800-square-meter building, we are not only supporting the Faculty of Biology, but also emphasizing the diversity and efficiency of Bremen as a science location and its university, and at the same time securing its potential and innovative strength for the future,” says Senator Professor Eva Quante-Brandt.

Dr. Martin Mehrtens, Director of Finance and Administration of the University of Bremen: “BIOM will sustainably improve research and teaching conditions in the natural sciences and make the University of Bremen even more attractive. The new building is also an important step in the structural modernization of the campus.”

A new building the Faculty of Biology became necessary because the current building NW 2 (Natural Sciences 2) dates from the 1970s and no longer meets the modern requirements of research and teaching in the field of biology. The NW 2 is to be completely refurbished after completion of the new building.

Speeches and Greetings at the Start of Construction:

Start: 11 o’clock. Location: James-Watt-Strasse/corner Wiener Strasse.

  • Professor Eva Quante-Brandt (Senator of Science, Health and Consumer Protection)
  • Professor Bernd Scholz-Reiter (President of the University of Bremen)
  • Dr. Martin Mehrtens, Director of Finance and Administration of the University of Bremen
  • Johannes Kister, Architect                                                                        


Hans-Joachim Orlok
Administrative Department – Technical Administration and Buildings
University of Bremen
Tel.: +49 421 218-60600
E-mail: orlokprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Christina Selzer
Spokesperson of the Senator for Science, Health and Consumer Protection
Tel.: +49 421 361-2082
E-mail: christina.selzerprotect me ?!gesundheit.bremenprotect me ?!.de

Entwurfsansicht des BIOM
The modern research building BIOM creates space for optimal conditions in research and teaching in biology.