New Master’s Program: International Romance Studies

A new master’s study program will start at the University of Bremen at the beginning of the 2018/19 winter semester on October 1, 2018. The degree course is open admission and applications can be submitted until September 15, 2018.

The master’s program in International Romance Studies is a contemporary development of traditional Romance studies, including current approaches in literature, media, linguistics, and cultural studies. Students can choose between Franco-Romance and Ibero-Romance studies or study both disciplines. They can also choose between literature and linguistics.

Teaching in the Target Language

The special focus of this master’s degree lies on the international component, also to meet the professionally relevant needs of students of Romance studies. Lessons are largely held in the respective target language (French or Spanish). In addition, there is an integrated study-abroad program in a French- or Spanish-speaking country of choice in the third semester. The standard period of study is four semesters. Through a regulated recognition procedure, this master’s degree can be shortened to one year following a Master of Education or another teaching degree.

Unique Degree Course in Germany

The attractiveness of Bremen as a location for students of Romance studies is considerably increased by the offering of an international master’s degree, since today many student applicants for a bachelor’s degree select their study location based on the criterion of possible further study in a master’s program and, in philology, also based on the potential to study abroad. There is currently no comparable master’s in international Romance studies in Germany with a focus on Spanish-speaking or Francophone countries.

Diverse Career Prospects

Possible professional fields for graduates of the International Romance Studies MA program include – in addition to the sciences – media and publishing, digital media, translation, theater and film, adult education, public and private educational institutions, national and international agencies for language policy and language planning, intercultural training, European and international organizations and nongovernmental organizations.

Additional Information:


Professor Sabine Schlickers
Linguistics and Literary Studies
University of Bremen
Tel.: +49 421 218-68056
E-mail: hispanprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

The new master’s program in International Romance Studies at the University of Bremen opens up a wide range of career prospects.