Orientation in the Subject Jungle of Degree Options

High school graduation is over – and what now? The Study Pilot project allows for people interested in doing a degree to take a look into the day-to-day life at the university and supports them in making a decision.

Study pilots are students of different subjects who take people interested in doing a degree along with them on a normal university day. Together they then visit a lecture or a seminar, go into the canteen or go to typical spots on campus. In a relaxed atmosphere, questions can be asked. There are currently 85 students from 40 subjects voluntarily taking part in the project. The support program from the Central Student Advisory Service has been in place since 2015.

Uncomplicated Registration

Anyone who is curious can easily register on the website: www.uni-bremen.de/studienlotsen. Simply enter your desired degree subject and possible special interests and then you are ready to go.

“Find Out What Interests Me the Most”

Feedback has been positive: “As I am currently looking into various degree subjects so that I can then decide what is most suitable for, this day was very helpful for me. I was able to compare the content and find out what interests me the most,” said Kim, 18 years old. Another school pupil emphasized: “My study pilot was very open and helpful. I received a great deal of ‘insider’ knowledge about the degree program that I am interested in”.

Further information:



Fragen beantwortet:

Katrin Brünjes
Universität Bremen
Central Student Advisory Service (ZSB)
Phone: +49 421 218-61151
Email: studienlotsenprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Students talking in the GW 2 cafeteria.
Study pilots allow people interested in studying to experience university life and support them in making a decision.