University of Bremen Conferences in August 2018

In August the University of Bremen organises conferences on learner corpus linguistics and on the connection between media didactics and diversity in teacher training.

From August 27 to 31, 2018, the Faculty of Linguistics and Literary Studies at the University of Bremen will be holding a summer school on the topic of Learner Corpus Research – Theory and practical applications. Learner corpus linguistics is an interdisciplinary research area at the interface of corpus linguistics, foreign language acquisition research, foreign language didactics, and foreign language teaching. It has established itself over the last 20 years as a new research method based on European research, and is attracting great interest especially among young researchers and also increasingly outside Europe. The research method examines the use of natural languages based on collections of authentic language data from language learners. The summer school will be attended by 22 scientists from 13 countries. It is held under the patronage of the international Learner Corpus Association. Contact: Professor Marcus Callies, e-mail: calliesprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de. Additional information:

On August 30 and 31, 2018, the final conference from the Media meets Diversity @School interdisciplinary focus group, which is located at the HWK-Institute for Advanced Study, will take place. With the title of Implications and Challenges for Teacher Education, it pursues the question of how digital media can be used in such a way that an adequate school approach to the increasing heterogeneity of pupils is supported both in specialist subjects and across disciplines. In particular, the implications and challenges for teacher education will be taken into account in this context. Three themed panels will each highlight one main area of the focus group’s work. The final conference will be rounded off by a poster session in which research projects from the fields of media didactics, diversity, and subject didactics related to the student conference will be presented. The best poster will receive an award on the second day. Venue: HWK-Institute for Advanced Study, Delmenhorst. Contact: Dr. Nina Sørensen, tel.: +49-421-2186-61910, e-mail: soerensenprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de. Additional information: