The First Bremen Ocean Day at the University of Bremen

Around 500 senior high-school students attended the first Bremer Ocean Day. This meant the event held at the University of Bremen in the auditorium building on the Uni Boulevard was fully booked. Expert researchers held four lectures to bring their work to life.

Several institutions in Bremen and Bremerhaven are dedicated to the study of the oceans. “The Bremen Ocean Day focuses on this topic and brings the ocean to life,” says Professor Nicole Dubilier. Dubilier, who is director of the Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology (MPI) in Bremen and a professor at the University of Bremen, organized the event with a mixed team from the MPI and the University of Bremen. 

The next Ocean Day will be on February 13, 2019

In future, the Bremen Ocean Day is scheduled to take place every year. The next event will take place on February 13, 2019.  “We are pleased that the new format was so well received and that we could give young people insights into our interdisciplinary research,” says Dubilier.

Four lectures

The first Bremer Ocean Day was dedicated to the deep sea: During the event, the young people were able to learn first-hand how and what marine research “made in Bremen” is all about. In four lectures, experienced researchers talked about the fascinating and fragile deep-sea habitats they have come across during expeditions, the technical challenges of doing research in the most remote places on earth, and an “ocean under the ocean”.

Further information: 

If you would like to have more information on this topic, feel free to contact:

Cooperation University-School
University of Bremen
Email: schoolprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de
Phone: +49 421 218-60393

Lecture hall with students and speaker
What does a marine researcher actually do? Professor Nicole Dubilier gave the 500 high-school students some insights into her work.