CHE Ranking 2018: Excellent Results

The University of Bremen has performed excellently in the current CHE Ranking 2018. Numerous subjects are in the lead in some areas - sometimes several times. Students also give high marks to the university.

There are many different university rankings – but in Germany this one receives the most attention of all: Every year, the not-for-profit Center for Higher Education Development (CHE – Centrum für Hochschulentwicklung) publishes its ranking, which focuses on different subjects each year. It aims to provide orientation in the variety of study programs and for many undecided prospective students is the basis for applying to a particular university. The result is therefore eagerly awaited. When the CHE Ranking 2018 was published on May 8, there were happy faces at the University of Bremen: It was very positive.

Firmly established in the top field of German universities

Already in 2016 and 2017, the University of Bremen had performed convincingly with excellent results in the CHE ranking. For example, Business Administration scored ten placements in both the teaching and the research categories, with German Studies at the top seven times. The subjects of English and Romance Studies also did well in the category linked to studies. For most of the research indicators in the CHE ranking, the subjects taught in Bremen are mostly in the top group. The strong results produced once again in the 2018 ranking show that the University of Bremen is now firmly established over a wide spectrum of subjects in the top field of German universities. The success derives in particular from the excellent support available to students when they take up their studies and the time needed to complete their degree program in the foreseen time, but also in the international orientation and relevance of studies for the labor market and careers.

Several subjects at the front again in 2018

The CHE ranking is divided into several categories. The geosciences, which have been strong for years, are at the forefront in no less than seven areas, namely support at the beginning of studies, completion of studies in a reasonable time, the international orientation of the master's program, and the four research segments (1) citations per publication (2) research grants per academic (3) doctorates per professor and (4) research reputation.

Top results for their contact with professional practice are achieved by the subjects of Geography and Nursing Science. The international orientation of bachelor's and / or master's degree programs is particularly pronounced in Physics and Political Science. In Mathematics and Computer Science, the University lands in the top group for doctorates per professor. Political Science has an especially strong research reputation.

How the students see it

In many subjects, students answering a questionnaire from the Center for Higher Education Development within the framework of the ranking give the University of Bremen very high grades. In their perception, the University belongs to the top group in

• the subject of Biology in the categories mentoring, organization of studies, excursions,  
  offers for vocational guidance and support for studying abroad and
• Computer Science in the areas of support for studying abroad and examinations.

The data collected in the Faculties that are considered as fact indicators in the CHE ranking confirm the positive overall picture. The respective top groups, for example, include

• Chemistry with regard to support at the start of studies and program completion within a
  reasonable period and
• Geography in the categories support at the start of studies, completion of degrees in
  appropriate time, and contact to the professional practice in the bachelor studies.

High quality of teaching and study programs

“I am delighted that our commitment to high quality in teaching and studies is reflected in the excellent results shown in the CHE ranking. The placement of several degree programs in the top groups shows us that the students benefit from our diverse teaching and counseling services,” says Professor Thomas Hoffmeister, Vice President Academics at the University of Bremen. “In particular, I see this as confirming the success of our concept of research-based and problem-oriented teaching. We owe such outstanding grades to the great dedication of our academics, the administration staff, and our student tutors.”

Members of the press: You can download images (campus scenes and more) on the University of Bremen homepage under:

If you would like to know more about this topic, feel free to contact:

Prof. Dr. Thomas Hoffmeister
Vice President Academics
University of Bremen
Phone: +49 421 218 60030
Email: kon2protect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de




[Translate to English:] Die Universität Bremen hat im aktuellen Ranking des Centrums für Hochschulentwicklung (CHE) hervorragend abgeschnitten. Viele Fächer sind in der Spitzengruppe platziert.