University of Bremen Conferences in May

In May, two conferences will focus on transitions: A symposium at MARUM – Center for Marine Environmental Sciences will deal with research into the seabed, the interrelationship of marine ecosystems, and findings from the past. At City 46, the focus will be on changes in aesthetic movements.

The Ocean Floor Symposium 2024 "Scenarios for Warmer Worlds: Lessons from the Past" from May 14 to 16, 2024

From May 14 to May 16, 2024, the second Ocean Floor Symposium (OSF) will take place at MARUM - Center for Marine Environmental Sciences at the University of Bremen. This year's topic is "Scenarios for Warmer Worlds: Lessons from the Past." In lectures and at a poster exhibition, international and local participants will exchange ideas on topics such as decoding environmental signals of past warm climate conditions, interactions of marine ecosystems with environmental conditions and biogeochemical processes, and causes and effects of disturbances in the climate-carbon cycle.
The international Ocean Floor Symposium series is organized every two years by MARUM – Center for Marine Environmental Research as part of the "The Ocean Floor - Earth's Uncharted Interface" Excellence Cluster. The series offers a special platform for the exchange and discussion of scientific findings on processes on the ocean floor, which forms an important, dynamic interface with far-reaching functions for the entire Earth system.
Contact: Jana Nitsch, jnitschprotect me ?!marumprotect me ?!.de. Informationen:


Symposium: Transitions: Cinematic Dimensions of Transition on May 22, 2024

Films have always explored transitions: in history, personal identity, or cinema culture itself. This year's symposium on Wednesday, May 22, 2024, will focus on such transitions. Just in time for its 50th anniversary, the Bremen City 46 municipal cinema and film experts from the University of Bremen will take a look at the many and varied changes - be it in the cinematic representation of transgender people, in the relationship of film history to historical turning points, or in cultural and aesthetic trends in film.
Transitions are an integral part of film. With the help of cuts and fades, one shot changes into another. Films can make it possible to experience not only temporal and spatial changes, but also inner changes. The meaning of what is shown also changes depending on which cinematic design elements are selected for this purpose. The symposium is dedicated to these connections in very different ways. In addition to the transitive relationship of film characters to the body, gender, imagination, and experiences of foreignness, film historical transitions - for example from silent film to sound film - will also be addressed. The Bremen symposium invites you to explore the cinematic dimensions of transition in lectures and film screenings. Together with numerous international guests, the connections between aesthetic, personal, cultural, and historical changes will be made visible. Contact and Information: Christine Rüffert, University of Bremen; Email: rueffertprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de; Registration: Elisabeth Sowa, CITY 46; Email: sowaprotect me ?!city46protect me ?!.de


Universität Bremen und Fahne