
YUFE Community Conference - Rijeka 2024

YUFE Community Conference 2024

The first YUFE Community Conference took place in Rijeka from 13-14 November. A central part was the presentation of 10 examples of best practice in civil society engagement in connection with YUFE Universities. Bremen contributed with two important initiatives.

“ Leaving no one behind " is an ongoing project funded by the Spanish Agency for International Development (AECID) and carried out by the UNHCR Spanish Committee.

YUFE Universities are Committed to Supporting Refugees

The second online workshop of the YUFE Community Engagement Network took place on November 21. Under the heading “Sharing Good Practices on University-NGO Collaboration”, the network invited participants to discuss collaboration between universities and NGOs in the field of refugee aid.

Menschen unterhalten sich

International Entrepreneurship Opportunities for Students with the YUFE Alliance

If you are interested in gaining experience in entrepreneurship and working together with students from all over Europe, then the YUFE-Alliance entrepreneurship opportunities are just right for you! You will have the chance to apply for several different options in the next few months.

YUFE Academy

YUFE Academy - YOGA for everyone!

YUFE invites employees and students of the University of Bremen and all interested members of the Bremen Parliament to a free yoga class. You can register by email until October 9, 2024!

dekoratives Bild

From Communication to AI – New Courses for Employees of YUFE Universities

New opportunities are opening up in the coming academic year for those wishing to further their education within the YUFE alliance: 11 courses are available to research and teaching staff, and university administration and management. Most of them are free of charge and can be completed digitally.

dekoratives Bild

We are looking for students to join the YUFE Student Forum!

Are you a student at the University of Bremen? Are you eager to be a part of an innovative alliance consisting of ten young research-intensive universities as well as non-academic organizations across Europe? Join us and co-create one of the first European Universities with our students and staff!

Marko Rohlfs und Lorena Kalvelage hocken auf einer Wiese und schauen sich die Pflanzen am Boden an. Im Vordergrund steht ein Schild, das über das Biodiversitätsprojekt auf dem Campus informiert.

BioYUFE brings together European research and teaching in the life sciences

From Croatia to England, from courses to webinars: YUFE makes life sciences European. Werner Ulrich, Professor of Ecology and Biogeography at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, has been dedicated to this cause for three years.

YUFE supports departmental activities

For 2024, funding of up to €5,000 is possible - subject to the State of Bremen approving funds. A wide variety of measures can be funded that anchor YUFE more deeply in the department, increase visibility or strengthen exchanges with YUFE partner universities.

Jutta Günther

Jutta Günther Elected YUFE Vice-President

Professor Jutta Günther, President of the University of Bremen, has been elected Vice-President of the YUFE Alliance. She will chair the Strategic Council, which is made up of the leaders of all universities.


Places Open in European Continuing Education Programmes

Employees of the University of Bremen can now apply for three different continuing education programmes offered by the YUFE Alliance. The events will take place in the period between Fall 2024 and Spring 2025. Participation is free of charge.

Europafest 2024

YUFE will be present at Bremen's "Europafest"

On the occasion of the European elections, a festival will be organized by the Bremer Jugendring on 25.05.24 from 16:00 - 19:00 at the Osterdeich. YUFE will also be participating with an information stand. Anyone interested can find out about the possibilities of studying in a true European context.

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Be part of YUFE Student Journey!

Applications for the YUFE Student Journey are possible until 24th May 2024! More information here and at

Bremer YUFE Team und YUFE Generalsekretärin

YUFE Secretary General Valerie Schegk Visits the University of Bremen

On January 30 and 31, the University of Bremen welcomed the new Secretary General of YUFE, Valerie Schegk, for her first official visit.

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Join the info event: European university experience with YUFE!

Visit one of our info events or one of our YUFE Open Days!

Students in the GW 2 cafeteria.

Apply now for the second call of "YUFE4Postdocs"!

The application phase for the second "YUFE4Postdocs" call for the focus topics of "European Identity" and "Citizens' Well-Being" is now open! A total of 22 positions are available for this phase across the nine YUFE universities.

Apply now for the first call of "YUFE4Postdocs"!

The application phase for the first "YUFE4Postdocs" call for the focus topics of "Sustainability" and "Digital Societies" is now open! A total of 29 positions are available for this phase across the nine YUFE universities.

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The Marie Skłodowska-Curie Training Program "YUFE4Postdocs" for outstanding postdocs starts!

Towards a European University

University of Bremen receives DAAD funding


Multidisciplinary and International – The YUFE Challenge Teams

Students can apply to be part of the YUFE Challenge Teams until February 5, 2023. Together with other students from YUFE, they develop solutions to social, economic, and environmental challenges. Participating students will be awarded a certificate upon completion of the challenge.

Kreis aus gefassten Händen symbolisiert Zusammenhalt

YUFE Academy Online Lecture Series

Are you ready to start thinking about the future of Europe? Join Manisha Barbara Bieber for the Working on Europe Academy 2022 lecture series. Register for one or more lectures here:

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"The YUFE staff development programme was a benefit for me in every respect"

The YUFE Alliance not only offers courses for students. Academic and professional service staff also benefit from it.

A group of students

YUFE launches a Marie Skłodowska-Curie training programme for Postdocs!

The YUFE universities are proud to announce yet another significant step in their journey towards becoming a true European University. Recently approved with an excellent score in the highly competitive MSCA Cofund call 2022 of Horizon Europe, YUFE4Postdocs is bound to take off in January 2023.


Online lecture series on sustainability and climate protection

Sustainability and climate protection are major challenges for the global society. The YUFE Alliance is also focusing on this topic. Starting in October, it will offer a series of events open to all interested parties: Bremen citizens, students and university staff members.

Students talking on the university boulevard.

Study more internationally? Inform and apply for YUFE now!

The YUFE Student Journey program allows you to stay at several European universities and includes a wide range of courses and other offerings. Find out more at one of the three info events on September 12, October 11, or October 20, 2022.

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New virtual language courses for employees

Those who want to expand their linguistic and intercultural knowledge have the opportunity to do so free of charge during the winter semester via YUFE. Starting in September, the Language Center in Bremen will be offering two free online language courses.

Two students talking in front of the glass hall.

European Union Continues to Support University Alliance YUFE

The European YUFE Alliance (Young Universities for the Future of Europe) will continue to receive funding from the EU. This was decided by the European Commission on Wednesday, July 27, 2022.

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Apply now for Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Postdoctoral Fellowships

Five YUFE universities invite motivated Postdocs to apply for the prestigious MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship. The deadline for applications is September 14, 2022.

YUFE Student Journey

Thinking of studying abroad? Here’s what you need to know before applying

The YUFE Student Journey program allows you to study at up to 10 European universities and includes a wide range of courses and other offers. On May 19, the University of Bremen invites to an online information event. The application deadline is May 26, 2022.

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Diversity and Inclusion: Bremen Students Organize Roundtable Discussion with Gloria Wekker

University of Bremen students Lea Elena Fischer and Jessica Winter are set to receive funding to launch a joint project on diversity and inclusion. Under the headline "Decolonialising the Curriculum", they are planning a round table discussion with Professor Gloria Wekker.

YUFE expresses its solidarity with Ukraine

YUFE expresses its solidarity with Ukraine

The YUFE Strategy Board has expressed its strong solidarity with the Ukrainian people. It declares its solidarity with all those who unmistakably condemn the war in Ukraine, including university and academic communities in Russia and Belarus.

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YUFE Events in March

In our series "YUFE Chit-Chat" we offer two further events in March. Moreover, students can find out about YUFE study opportunities by attending the YUFE Open Day. All events will take place at ZOOM.

[Translate to English:] YUFE unterstützt ehrenamtliches Engagement

YUFE supports student volunteering

Whether it’s supporting the Bremen food bank or working for an association, volunteering is an important part of society and an enriching task for many. The YUFE Alliance helps interested students to find volunteering activities in their area and recognizes their commitment with a certificate.

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YUFE offers a 2-day intensive training for Master's students in Antwerp, Belgium. Two students from Bremen will have the opportunity to participate in the English-language workshop "What about a PhD at YUFE?" from April 28-29, 2022. The application deadline Thursday, March 10, 2022 – 12:00 (CET).

Nicholas Mouttotos

Online Trading: YUFE Postdoc Investigates Consumer Law

When we buy something on the internet, we often enter into contracts that are hard to understand. This is what Nicholas Mouttotos deals with at the University of Bremen. In an interview with Meike Mossig (up2date) he talks about his work, why he chose Bremen, and why he recommends YUFE to academics.

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YUFE now offers language courses to staff members

Those who would like to brush up on their language skills or try out a new language now have the chance to do so through YUFE. Free online courses will gradually begin at several universities from February, including English (B1), German as foreign language (A2, B1 and B2), Finnish (A1) and Polish.

YUFE Uni Bremen

YUFE Events in January and February

At the beginning of the year we offer several info events and workshops in German and English as part of the series "YUFE-Schnack" and "YUFE Meets Diversity @ Uni Bremen". All interested parties are cordially invited to attend. Here is an overview:

Meret Budde

YUFE Stars: “A real enrichment”

YUFE students participating in the Diploma Supplement Track (DST) pilot project must earn ‘YUFE Stars’ in addition to academic achievements in their courses. The example of student Meret Budde is used to illustrate exactly what these are.

YUFE Postdoc Programm

Launch of YUFE’s Postdoc Program

Within the framework of the postdoc program, it is possible to research as a postdoc at several YUFE partner institutions. The first postdocs started their research activities at various locations this fall.

A deserted university boulevard.

YUFE Events in December

The YUFE team at the University of Bremen is offering several info-events and workshops in December. All those interested are cordially invited to register and participate. Here an overview:

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Ten European universities met in Bremen

To mark the University’s 50th anniversary, the annual YUFE Alliance meeting was held in Bremen on October 13 and 14, 2021. Among others, political representatives of the respective YUFE regions attended – including Bremen’s Mayor and the Bremen Senator for Science.

Bremen Podcast with Annelie Keil and Jana Sievers

YUFE Student Forum member Jana Sievers at Bremen podcast

Together with Annelie Keil, one of Bremen University's Professors from the beginning Jana Sievers took part at the Bremen Podcast produced by WFB Wirtschaftsförderung Bremen GmbH. Enjoy listening!

Jetzt für das YUFE-Postdoc-Programm bewerben

Apply now for the YUFE Postdoc Program

Following a successful first round, we are now accepting applications for three-year YUFE postdoc positions at eight of our YUFE institutions within our YUFE Postdoc Program. This year’s focus area is "Citizens' Wellbeing". Deadline for applications is December 10, 2021.

The YUFE Student Journey is the right place to get to know European universities.

Apply now for the YUFE Student Journey

Students who would like to attend courses at various European universities during their studies now have the opportunity: applications for the YUFE Student Journey are open until October 20. The program is diverse.

Towards a European University

Strengthening European Universities

In Germany, 35 universities and higher education institutions are represented in European university alliances. The University of Bremen – being part of the YUFE Alliance – is one of them. Jointly, they have issued a statement to the EU.

YUFE supports student entrepreneurship

The YUFE Alliance supports with her new project Inno4YUFE a new generation of student entrepreneurship. Funded with 1.2 Mio Euro by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT), it runs for a period of up to 2 years bringing together 400 YUFE students, 80 HEI staff and professionals.

Survey YUFE Introduction Offer

YUFE Student Journey receives 90% satisfaction

115 participants from all over the Alliance were interviewed about their experiences with our introduction offer. Key results have now been summarised in a post on the project homepage. If you are wondering whether the YUFE Student Journey is an option for you, you may find some answers here.

YUFE Job-Portal is online

YUFE Job Portal online

The alliance wants to simplify searching for a job with a new, joint job portal from all ten YUFE universities.

YUFE speaks your language!

YUFE speaks your language!

Multilingualism is key to a truly diverse and inclusive European University. Language skills in multiple languages promote professional as well as personal development. YUFE puts this principle into practice by offering training and courses in many European languages.

People in lab coats look at plants in a greenhouse.

Challenge teams and entrepreneurial programme

Until June 27, 2021 the Young Universities for the Future of Europe (YUFE), open an application period to take part in activities promoting entrepreneurship and innovation. They are aimed at students and staff from the universities that form the Alliance, as well as the general population.

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YUFE Law Conference - A great success

This year's YUFE Law Conference is headed "Informed Consent - Comparative Perspectives on Duties to Inform in EU and Member" and was held from May 27 to 28, 2021. The conference with 45 participants taking part was open to professionals and the general public.

Tim Butcher

9th German Diversity Day: YUFE offers free D & I lecture on minimum wages

Tim Butcher, Chief Economist and Deputy Secretary, UK Low Pay Commission, talks about minimum wages. The presentation will be given on Mai 18, 2021, from 13:30 - 14:30. Bremen University's YUFE Team invites you to participate.

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Per YUFE ad astra": Workshop offer for art students at Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń

This workshop will take place from August 17 - 20, 2021 in Toruń and is open to any students from the YUFE Alliance interested in audiovisual art. Multimedia projection using 3D animation, including sound effects will be part of the program. Please apply until May 7, 2021.

Karen Bush explains YUFE D&I Strategy

An inclusive environment for all: Karen Bush talks about the YUFE D&I strategy

Diversity and inclusion (D&I) are at the heart of YUFE’s vision for a cross-European educational landscape. Karen Bush, who is currently seconded from her substantive role as Head of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion at Essex University, to lead YUFE’s D&I work package, explains more.

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YUFE Takes Part at Bremen's European Week

YUFE is much more than just a university. Student commitment and volunteering play a central role. That's why our students can earn "YUFE Stars" in addition to ECTS. Project managers and students will discuss this newly introduced recognition system for social commitment. Join us on May 05, 2021!

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Welcome to the YUFE Chit-Chat!

As of March 25, 2021, we will host a 30-minute Zoom meeting once a month during which you can meet the YUFE colleagues who are helping to shape the project at our university. The meetings are open to anyone who is interested, and will be held in German or English if preferred.

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A European University as our Future?

In a video interview given in view of the 50th founding anniversary, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bernd Scholz Reiter talks about the prospects for Bremen University. YUFE, "anchored in the region but with a strong European identity," plays an increasingly important role.

Jessica Winter

The European

Jessica Winter is a committed European. The 25-year-old even changed her degree at the University of Bremen in order to work more intensely on European topics. Her interest was piqued thanks to her work as part of the YUFE Alliance.


Apply now for a pan-European Study Program at YUFE

Students who are interested in a pan-European study program and want to try something new have a unique opportunity: Starting on November 30th, they can apply for the Diploma Supplement Track of the YUFE Alliance (Young Universities for the Future of Europe) within one week.

YUFE starts first offer for Postdocs

A total of seven PhD positions will be made available from autumn 2021 for three years at several YUFE locations, one of which at Bremen University. The focus will be on "European Identity and Responsibility in a Global World".


Launch of DAAD-Podcast "Campus Europa"

Every two weeks, "Campus Europa" reports on the European University Alliances, their priorities and goals. A total of 14 episodes are planned, including one about the YUFE alliance with participation from Bremen University.


YUFE Townhall 2020 offers "Open Sessions"

This year's YUFE Townhall will take place online from 07.-09.12.2020. The Townhall is a 3-day event for YUFE staff & students as well as the wider public. Listening and being part of the event is possible at one of the three "Open Sessions" on Monday at 14:00 and Tuesday at 11:00 and 18:00.

Take part the first YUFE Academy

Interested University members and the general public have the opportunity to take part in the first YUFE Academy in November and December 2020. The ten partner universities are offering online lectures on Europe-related topics. Registration is open now.

YUFE Allianz


We are happy to announce that the new official project homepage of the YUFE Alliance is now online. All offers for students and staff, current developments and news from all our partners can now be accessed here.


Decolonizing the curriculum: first YUFE D&I lecture online

In our YUFE D&I series, Aincre Evans, Maastricht University, gave a first online lecture. In her presentation, Aincre pointed towards the needs to decolonize the curricula. More than 160 participants from all YUFE Partner Universities attended this course, which is now available as download.

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Now open: Bremen’s YUFE Mobility Award!

With the YUFE Mobility Award, we offer funding for research stays of 1 week up to 3 months for scientists and scholars at all career levels. Take the opportunity to enlarge your professional and personal network, discover our partner universities, make new contacts and initiate research projects!

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Applications are open now: YUFE will start online courses

Studying abroad despite current travel restrictions? This is possible with the virtual courses of the YUFE Introduction Offer. Students can register for online seminars at one of the ten participating European universities. Applications are open until September 15, 2020.

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Building bridges with YUFE in times of Brexit

The University of Bremen and its partners are creating one of the first European Universities. Lea Elena Fischer, Jana Sievers, and Jessica Winter: These are the three students representing the University of Bremen in the YUFE Student Forum.

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We want to invite everyone to join in!

The University of Bremen is creating one of the first European Universities together with its partners. New students can now get involved with the YUFE Network: Young Universities for the Future of Europe.

Our actions during the Covid-19 Pandemic

The Covid-19 pandemic is changing the lives of people all over the world. It is changing the way we work, the way we learn, and the way we live. Naturally, the pandemic also has its effects on the Young Universities for the Future of Europe (YUFE) Alliance.

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Mobility among YUFE Universities

As soon as the current restrictions caused by the corona virus can be removed, it will be possible to travel to YUFE universities or YUFE cities again in order to teach, to study, to carry out internships, or to work in administration and technology.

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European University: “We are proud to be part of YUFE"

The Senator for Science and Ports, Dr. Claudia Schilling, supports the University of Bremen in creating a European University. Schilling took part in a network meeting at the University of Maastricht.

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Creating a European University: panel discussion on diversity

Which chances and challenges arise when you establish a European university? That is what experts from the YUFE partner universities will be evaluating at a panel discussion in the mensa (cafeteria) at 3:30 p.m. on November 27. The topic is diversity.

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Developping a European University: panel discussion in the city

With funding from the EU Commission, the University, as part of a consortium of eight European partners, is designing one of the first European Universities. What this means for the city and its inhabitants is the topic of a panel discussion at 5 p.m. on Monday, November 11, at EuropaPunktBremen.

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“The European University is a great opportunity”

Around 100 participants at the University of Bremen learnt about and discussed what the European university of the future could look like. The event took place as part of the “Das Rektorat informiert” series along with a World Café.

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YUFE: political support for European University

Together with nine partner institutions, our University is designing one of the first European Universities. The YUFE Alliance (Young Universities for the Future of Europe) is receiving a great deal of international, political support. This was shown at a meeting at the University of Cyprus.

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Information from the Executive Board & YUFE Café: summary of results

On 15 October 2019 the Executive Board of our University invited to the event "Das Rektorat informiert & YUFE Café“. We were very pleased that so many of you discussed and developed your ideas together with us. Thank you very much for all positive feedback.

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European YUFE University: University of Bremen and network successful

In the frame of a pilot process, the EU Commission has chosen the YUFE alliance – Young Universities for the Future of Europe – to create one of the first European universities. YUFE will receive 5 million euros in the next three years. The University of Bremen is part of the network.

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Towards a competitive, innovative and united Europe

Seven nine universities belonging to the YERUN network have joined forces under the name of YUFE – Young Universities for the Future of Europe – in order to participate in an EU pilot funding call for European university networks. The University of Bremen is on board.

Logo of the University of Bremen.

University of Bremen is creating a European University

The University of Bremen is joining forces with nine other universities from as many different European countries. Together they form the YUFE alliance (Young Universities for the Future of Europe).