
Book Talk: Anxiety Culture

Karen Struve als Mitherausgeberin und weitere Beiträger:innen stellen ihren Sammelband in Paris vor.

13. März 2025, 18:00 - 20:00 Uhr

Reid Hall | 4 rue de Chevreuse 75006 Paris


"The twenty-first century is characterized by uncertainty and pressing planetary challenges: from catastrophic climate change to the accelerating pace of technological change, societies around the world are gripped by anxiety about the future. 

In their new book, Anxiety Culture: The New Global State of Human Affairs (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2024), editors John Allegrante, Ulrich Hoinkes, Michael Schapira, and Karen Struve, and a distinguished group of contributing international scholars, examine the forces that increase anxiety as a cultural phenomenon that goes beyond the solely individual experiences of clinical anxiety to pervade global culture. 

The trenchant essays in this book examine our culture of anxiety across five sections: disciplinary perspectives on anxiety, climate change and the environment, population health and social well-being, migration, and technology. This event will feature a select panel of the book’s distinguished authors, whose chapters focus on migration, language, and culture, in conversation about how these elements are contributing to anxiety culture."


Welcoming Remarks and Introductions

  • Mae Ngai, Fellow at the Columbia Institute for Ideas and Imagination and Lung Family Professor of Asian American Studies

Overview of the Book, Anxiety Culture



Audience Q&A, Discussion, and Closing Remarks

  • Mae Ngai, Columbia University
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