
Lehrveranstaltungen SoSe 2022

Medical Biometry / Biostatistics, M.Sc.

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Modulbereich Anwendungsfelder und biomedizinische Grundlagen

VAKTitel der VeranstaltungDozentIn
03-8B53Biometric Research in Medicine (in englischer Sprache)
Probleme aus der biometrischen Forschung (Medizin)


wöchentlich Mi 10:00 - 12:00

The course is again organised as an online-only seminar, as some of you are not yet in Germany and it is the only course in the next semester, which gives you the opportunity to work at the place where your Master's thesis is supervised.

An oral presentation is given which approaches the topic of the master thesis systematically:
i. General overview over the medical and methodological problem
ii. Narrowing the topic to a relevant core
iii. Approach and working program for the work on the problem

Please register at Stud.IP for the course and sign in to this table!AggYJ8v5lxnKjSDY7wTSypaiVf6-?e=D2FoCT

for a date which suits you and your supervisor: one row per person, i.e. two presentations per lesson (~30 min presentation + 15 minutes discussion). Please make sure that your supervisor takes part at the seminar when you present about your topic. The first date is blocked for an introduction in how to write and structure a Master's Thesis.

The zoom link for the whole semester is:

Helpful link to regarding plagiarism (see also the checklist for citation etiquette on that page):

Prof. Dr. Iris Pigeot-Kübler


VAKTitel der VeranstaltungDozentIn
03-M-GS-9Workshop on Stata (in englischer Sprache)


Do 30.06.22 - Sa 02.07.22 (Do, Fr, Sa) 09:00 - 17:00

Note: The course will be held online.

Target group: Students with basic knowledge of statistics (For e.g.: understanding on normal distribution, t-test, chi-square test, p-value)

Course description: Students will be introduced to performing data management and simple to intermediate statistical analyses using Stata. The students will be using practical examples on how datasets and analyses should be described and documented in order to ensure the reproducibility of their own research.

Precourse preparation: Students are required to acquire short-term (1 – week) license request using the following link
Note: Please apply for license only 2-3 days before the course as the license is valid only for 7 days.

Course content:
 Navigating the Stata interface
 Creating, importing and exporting datasets
 Structure of Stata dataset
 Elements of Stata syntax
 Creating and maintaining do files
 Saving work in log file
 Data management
 Modifying datasets
 Summarizing data
 Graphics and data visualization
 Statistical analysis
 Looping on repeated tasks

Exam and assessment: Students will be assessed via assigned statistical tasks for preparation of do-and log files at the end of the course.

Rajini Nagrani

Sonstige Veranstaltungen

VAKTitel der VeranstaltungDozentIn
03-M-GS-9Workshop on Stata (in englischer Sprache)


Do 30.06.22 - Sa 02.07.22 (Do, Fr, Sa) 09:00 - 17:00

Note: The course will be held online.

Target group: Students with basic knowledge of statistics (For e.g.: understanding on normal distribution, t-test, chi-square test, p-value)

Course description: Students will be introduced to performing data management and simple to intermediate statistical analyses using Stata. The students will be using practical examples on how datasets and analyses should be described and documented in order to ensure the reproducibility of their own research.

Precourse preparation: Students are required to acquire short-term (1 – week) license request using the following link
Note: Please apply for license only 2-3 days before the course as the license is valid only for 7 days.

Course content:
 Navigating the Stata interface
 Creating, importing and exporting datasets
 Structure of Stata dataset
 Elements of Stata syntax
 Creating and maintaining do files
 Saving work in log file
 Data management
 Modifying datasets
 Summarizing data
 Graphics and data visualization
 Statistical analysis
 Looping on repeated tasks

Exam and assessment: Students will be assessed via assigned statistical tasks for preparation of do-and log files at the end of the course.

Rajini Nagrani