
Data Snacks | "Discuss Data: A Community-Centred Research Data Repository And Discussion Platform"

Veranstalter:in : Data Science Center
Ort : Zoom
Beginn : 08. August 2024, 13:00 Uhr
Ende : 08. August 2024, 13:30 Uhr
Kategorie : Data Science Forum


Ensuring the responsible handling of research data in accordance with the FAIR principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) is a crucial aspect of the research process. In fact, the adoption of a sustainable data management strategy has become essential for the success of third-party funding proposals (e.g. requirements of the DFG).

With the Data Snacks, we invite you to a culinary data break where we share our love for cooking research data in engaging and informative sessions. Each snack will address different challenges in data handling and offer practical solutions. At the end of each session, you'll receive the slides with valuable content, tips, and helpful links for future use. Embark on this journey with us and empower your data skills!

Please check the Website of the Data Science Center of the University of Bremen for more information.

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Discuss Data is a community-centred repository for archiving, sharing and discussing research data on Eastern Europe, the South Caucasus and Central Asia. It goes beyond ordinary repositories as it combines research data management functions with a discussion platform for the community-driven quality assessment of research data. Questions of data quality gained especially importance in the context of the Russian Aggression against Ukraine, as there is an increasing debate within the area studies focussing on that region about reliability, validity, transparency and other aspects and challenges related to research data quality.

The “Data Snack” will be used to present the main idea and core functionalities of Discuss Data. Also, the concept of “Discuss Data Community Spaces”, which are currently under development, will be explained. In the near future, “Community Spaces” will offer the possibility for other scholarly communities to benefit from the core idea behind Discuss Data: Bridging research data management and professional discussion on all data-related issues in one place.


Dr. Eduard Klein is a research associate at the Research Centre for East European Studies at the University of Bremen . He is responsible for outreach, community engagement and communication at Discuss Data . Besides, he is the editor of the Ukraine-Analysen and theUkrainian Analytical Digest .


The info event will take place from 1:00 to 1:30pm via Zoom. There will be a 15-20 minute presentation followed by an open forum for questions and discussion. We look forward to exciting discussions!


Data Snacks Events