Physical Geography: Environmental History (Master)

Extended application deadline until July 15, 2024!

  • Aufmerksame Zuhörer in einem Seminarraum.

Master of Science (M.Sc.)

4 Semester


Bewerbungszeitraum Erstsemester
winter semester: 01.03. - 30.04.



The M. Sc. “Physical Geography: Environmental History" focusses on the reconstruction of environmental and climatic history as scientific expertise in this field is paramount today. The programme provides physical-geographical knowledge and skills that will enable you to analyse, interpret and evaluate the complex effects of natural and anthropogenic environmental changes on nature and society. Global environmental changes are one of the biggest social, political and cultural issues of the 21st century. In order to cope with their complexity, innovative and interdisciplinary approaches in teaching and research are developed to qualify you for linking natural and anthropogenic phenomena. Information about the past, obtained from natural, archaeological and historical archives as well as from instrumental data, enables you to understand how global climate and environmental changes affect natural and socioeconomic systems as well as to investigate future environmental development.

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