Master of Arts (M.A.)
4 Semester
Bewerbungszeitraum Erstsemester
winter semester: 01.05. - 15.06.
Passt mein Bachelor zum Master?
Zusätzliche Informationen
- open admission
- open admission
Für die Aufnahme in einen Masterstudiengang ist der Abschluss eines Studiums auf Bachelor-Niveau Voraussetzung. Die fachspezifischen Zugangsvoraussetzungen sind in der aktuellen Aufnahme-/Zulassungsordnung (s. u.) geregelt. Darin enthalten sind auch die unterschiedlichen Fristen für die Nachweiserbringung.
Sofern ein Deutschnachweis erforderlich ist: Informationen zu Deutschkenntnissen
The central study contents are:
1st year
• Behavioral Basics of Decision-Making
• Ethical and Economic Perspectives
• Political and Legal Perspectives
* Decision and Game Theory
* Ethical and Legal Conditions of Public Decision Making
* Economic and Political Conditions of Public Decision Making
2nd year
* Quantitative and Qualitative Methods
* Interdisciplinary Project Area
* Internship (length: min. 8 weeks)
* Masterthesis and Colloquium
Obligatory internship (practical training) of 8 weeks (minimum), recommended within the lecture free time after the 3rd semester (2nd year).
Desirable in the 4th semester.
seminars, lectures, project seminars, colloquium, excursions
- Studienverlaufsplan MA Komplexes Entscheiden [pdf] (138.9 KB)
written examinations, term papers, oral examination, masterthesis
- vom 23.06.2021: DigiPruefO-UB-06-21 [pdf] (68.6 KB)
- vom 19.03.2024: AT-MPO-01-22_Lesefassung_berichtigt_automatVerz.pdf [pdf] (481.1 KB)
- vom 29.06.2022: MPO-Kompl-Entscheiden-06-22_Lesefassung.pdf [pdf] (135.5 KB)
- vom 29.06.2022: PraO-Komplexes-Entscheiden-06-22.pdf [pdf] (27.8 KB)
Aiming to impart knowledge and training of competencies with regard to measured and efficient problem solving in public institutions, this master programme addresses young (future) executives who aspire a career in public administration, associations, politics or other organizations, in which complex decision making is taking place. As a general rule, this programme aims at students with a first B.A. Degree in economics, philosophy, political science or a degree in law.
The M.A. does not qualify for a certain career position, it rather aims at the procurement of skills and competences which are applicable to several different occupational fields. Versatileness, flexibility, analytical thinking and communicative competence is above all in demand in organization, politics and alliances, in economical and financial companies, consulting, human resources, but also in the media (for instance science journalism) or in the cultural sector.
- Philosophy
- Business Studies, Economics, and Law
Multidisciplinary Team of Lecturers from Political Science, Philosophy, Economics and Jurisprudence.
Lecturers from other disciplines in certain modules possible (Psychology, Sociology...).
Center for Decision Research at the University of Bremen
E-Mail: studienzentrumfb9protect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de
Telefon: (0421)218-67511
Juliane Schoppeoffice hours: Mo 12-14:00 and Thu 10-12:00 (SFG 3300)
E-Mail: borchersprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de
Telefon: (0421)218-67820